MAS DE CARET, is a renewed old farm located in the Conca de Barberà (Montblanc-Tarragona) near La Bartra (map) and next to the Brugent-river (Muntanyes de Prades) far away from car traffic.
The Farm
The farm has been rehabilitated and enlarged taking care of the first old architecture and very important to us the use of bio-construction materials.
You could find here: a forest, a cultivated ecological area (vineyard, vegetable garden), a farm (ponies, gooses, sheeps, hens, beehives with bees, shepherd-dogs, cats...) a pool for the hot days, a children's playground with a small house, a leisure place for adults, walks to surroundings, and with previous phone-call a camping possibility is available.
Our histrory
We are a couple, Carles and Teresa, who came from Reus (Tarragona) to the mountains with a two years old dauhgter, Roella, in the year 1988. With a huge ecological ideal we bought the wreck of the farm of MAS DE CARET. A lot of effort and sweat was needed to clean and reconstruct the farm. At this moment Tresa's father was of a big help to us. We worked out side, building the warehouse, the pool for the hot days, the henhouse, the natural purifier and much more.
Beginning 1998 we projected to enlarge MAS DE CARET to start rural tourism.
On February 2000 the work started. With our knowledge, with our friends and profesional help our project took form.
The buildings materials used were: stones, wood, tile, and natural hemp for isolation, cork and double glass.
Looking inside
MAS DE CARET has a big dinning-room and a lounge with wooden floor, a nice fireplace, an extraordinary view and a big balcony.
We have a capacity for 15 to 20 adults, distributed in 8 rooms. Each room has its unique personality with nice local decoration and a respect for ecological materials. Heating and bathroom are included. Ideal for nature-lovers¡
In another buiilding called MAS DE LA ROCA, a multy-activity room of 80 m2 with a bathroom, dressing room and music possibility is now available. This is a good place for groups to experience relaxing activities in a beautiful enviroment.
Running the farm
Our residues are minimized, rubbish recycled; the drainages of farmhouse go to the natural purifier. The pool-water is used to irrigate the cultivated area. The energy used is photovoltaic (sun-screen) alternated with propane gas.
The cleaning products are ecologically friendly.
For all that and more the Environment Departament of Catalonia Goverment gave us the distinction of Environmental Quality.
Our kitchen
It is mostly Mediterranean, with local products. Our vegetable garden gives us the big part of the meals and if we need to buy other complements we use to go in an ecological shop, and works for an equilable commerce.
The meat we buy has an ecologic certification and the chickens are feeded with ecological certificated stuff.
Our meals are healthy, open to new dishes, always with local vegetables and meat, and with a vegetarian option.
Bed anb breakfast: 39€
Half board: 55€
*Children half the adults
* Dogs 7€/day
All prices with taxes included, except "Tax on stays in tourist establishments in Catalonia": 0.5€ for person/day. More information
For confirmation: Please for reservation via phone-call:
00 34 977 264 003 / 00 34 689264795 (cellular)